Media Projects

Migrant Instability

Migrant Instability @ Mai | Montréal, arts interculturels


Migrant Instability is a duo exhibition that questions what one carries and/or what one leaves behind when they “move”. The presented works attempt to create a dialogue between the violently transformative experiences of a first-generation immigrant (Jin) and the constant state of displacement a second-generation immigrant (Park) experiences throughout their life. For Jin and Park, the heightened hostility against Asian bodies during the pandemic has also heightened the physical and spiritual disconnection from diasporic homelands.

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This SSHRC funded project organized in collaboration with the nonprofit social housing organization Brique par Brique (Brick by Brick) aimed to explore how social housing can be imagined as mutual aid via participatory media-making practices and involved participants from Parc Ex documenting their neighborhood through video diaries. The project was initiated through conducting a three-day workshop led by Teagan Lance which provided the participants with training in videography, sound recording and editing. The project culminated in a screening of shorts films made by two participants Judy Wong and Meryem Ouadban on 3 June 2023 at the Brique par Brique Community Centre.

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The Raah podcast originated from a Pilot episode positioning disability as a figure of the migrant. Jared interviewed independent singer/songwriter Tarquin Alexandra about her upcoming album about disability and her experiences of exclusion and isolation as a chronically ill woman during the sociological production of the end of the pandemic. Future episodes of this podcast are in development, including a recap of the lab’s disability studies reading group. The goal of the podcast will be to explore further unconventional figures of the migrant, experimenting with the critical tools we can develop by expanding the scope of this definition.

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